July 2012
Storing Sorrow
Anima Hydrolysis
First Dawn
The Tock of Time
Visiting Hours
Euclid Days
As Empty as My Own
Some cry between phrases
in re-hashed tweeted tears,
dried blood on texted pages,
lifelines cauterized
vessels seared
in flagrant verbal fires,
in the briefest savage contempt.
Some moan
some conspire
some reach for deities.
Some cry just so we know they are there.
Most revel in their freedom
to be a total ass.
Storing Sorrow
Savoring things on my ragged tongue
the simple flavors
lemon vanilla cane,
the complex carnal textures of you
the Seven Hills air
raked maple leaves, decaying
hydrangea’s in Miss Farnum’s yard
Craving things
lest my face forget them
buried in ice cold fur
a shuttle at McMurdo Station
your thighs clasped - a vice
in a risen again carnal kiss
a deep breath at the summit of Olympus Mons
your head upon my breast - the clock ticking
to our hearts
Is that what squirrels do?
special nuts, succulent seeds
resisted buried
their ripeness lost
to be excavated treasures
We should have eaten in our prime
not craving
sipping and gulping
in mighty quaffs
not pocketing
for the taste of vapor remains

Anima Hydrolysis
Soul tinder
ignited in a flash of proton
hydrogen on the hips of dimensional oxygen
her chemical kindling
into our oral sea

First Dawn
The sun rose in our window, lingering
as if observing us…
saying it approved,
that this meeting of the skins,
this global conference of grins,
was worth a bother, its arrogant solar nod.
Air fell from the sill
in a schoolboy’s rush
to meet his cheeky girl,
the one with the mauve piqued cheeks.
It fell upon us with its coarse bristle of mink
raising our forests with soothing whispers
that wheedles its way
across the peaks of nipples
deep into and through the eiderdown.
I felt the pull
the teeth of your first blade
then the push
the cut
the bone torn
bleeding to dust
threshed into exsanguine chaff
a residue of us
in a clotted drift upon the floor.
I felt you reach into your heart
and try to rip
to wrench me out of you,
a delicious sickness you wish would die.
I’m sorry my love.
I never wanted this for you.
I only wanted splendor
not a tawdry guarantee,
a nirvana with grins and our naughty dark surprise. |

The Tock of Time
I know…
It is astounding how
this world of water
and light unfolds.
I know…
it is awesome how
the mind can see
things we only imagined
were truly here.
I know…
it is astonishing
how love curves space
and desire can breathe
the Tao of stars and silences
the tock of time.
Visiting Hours
I await my visitors
on this empty stage of weave.
cursive stragglers possessive pronouns
tasty adjectives scruffy orphaned nouns
little scrawls come at first
looping Ls and hangdogs Fs
their serifs so elegant, lonely
overdressed amidst the bully of vowels.
Soon a gaggle of phrases hold hands
we fall to prey
on the Subject Understood,
for the Object of the pious preposition.
Visiting hours are over
and what a trail they’ll leave.
some days most times
if the syntax has been playful,
what remains is poignant, and kind.

Euclid Days
Have you had salt water taffy
from Euclid Beach?
Seen her Fat Lady laugh and belly roll
bellow and echo
behind the cosmic glass?
Scared the shit out of me at five.
Have your swung out into the velvet night
on starships of silver
held by the frailest of wire?
You were not yet born,
a germ still dreaming
an idea still squirming
in your daddy’s loins.
You were not but a starling’s greed,
a sparrow sipping at an eagle’s teat,
still a dreamer
like me
calling out to our sirens…
earth, sea, and Euclid skies. |

As Empty as My Own
One could be a warrior in this light
a shining example of valor
or a victor poised to take the spoils
in this grandeur of gold
and gilt peach rose.
One could be a dreamer, a lover,
toasted as a Captain,
hailed as successful in this light,
this coral crescent
falling into blueberry arms.
One could be so alone in this splendor
a sea away from their heart
the light in their window just winking out
the candle snuffed,
arms as empty as my own.
Came a back street calling
curling luminous fingers at me
her devil in the detail of a smile
in a word said sideways
in a flat out splash
of hot wax on my chest
in my ears
my tongue twitching
lips lightly too tightly bitten
my ego brightly smitten
by this raw attention
this rough edged purr
from the thoughts
of a prowling thee.